How to De Skunk Your Dog or Cat

Skunks in Nashville are everywhere. And getting rid of skunk smell from your dog or cat that has been sprayed is not an easy task.  Oh, we know.  

It throws your whole day off, sending you in panic mode to prevent cross-contamination and spreading the smell throughout the house. And when you get down to wash your pet, you feel powerless at how the skunk-y smell clings to your pet’s fur no matter how many baths you run him/her through. It is a messy ordeal pet parents are at risk of experiencing all year long and we hear their frustrations every day.

deskunk grooming nashville


If you decide to skip our deskunking grooming package and need to remove skunk smell at home here are some great tips that will help you on this all-in mission.

Organic Deskunking: Plan A

A simple search online can yield hundreds of results with recipes to follow to deskunk your dog or cat. By far these 2 are the best organic ways to deskunk your pet we recommend you follow if you decide to treat your pet at home:

  1. TOMATO JUICE. Douse your pet in tomato juice and let it sit for no less than 7-10 minutes. We are not too fond of this method due to the risk of staining fur, but it does the job pretty well. Rinse and shampoo as usual.

  2. VINEGAR. Mix 2 parts of water with 1 part apple cider vinegar in a plastic bottle (preferably one that you can squeeze). Using gloves, wet coat and work one section at a time, starting with the skunk-sprayed area. The solution should sit for no less than 5 minutes to fully enjoy the deodorizing properties of vinegar. Rinse coat. You may need to repeat this process 2-3 times. No worries, the vinegar smell on your pet’s coat will vanish in 1 to 2 days.

The Other De Skunk Recipe: Plan B

Another favorite recipe to get rid of skunk smell on your dog or cat is the formula by Paul Krebaum, which appeared in the August 1995 edition of Popular Science magazine:

1 qt hydrogen peroxide
1/4 cup baking soda
1 teaspoon of liquid dishwashing soap

Mix until baking soda is dissolved. Wearing gloves, massage mixture on your pet’s coat, paying special attention to the fur all around the skunk-sprayed area. Rinse well and repeat if necessary.

*Handle with Care - Never store as it will explode if contained in a bottle. Wash fur immediately as peroxide may bleach (discolor) fur.

Stop the madness!

Remember, we also offer a low-cost De Skunk Grooming package that can help you get rid of the smell without the hassle or risk of cross-contamination. Our staff will professionally bathe and deodorize your pet to remove the smell from your pet’s coat.