Grooming the Bernedoodle

Looking for the best groomer for your Bernedoodle in Nashville is not an easy task. Embarking in an adventure of finding a Bernedoodle groomer near you that understands the intricacies of this fantastic new Doodle variety's coat and skin composition can turn into a nightmare.

bernedoodle grooming nashville

For quite some time now, our team of Nashville groomers has been studying and researching the right combination of formulas, tools, and techniques to use when grooming Bernedoodles. Our interviews with breeders, master groomers, and veterinarians have provided our team with the knowledge and insight to deliver show-quality results on every grooming session.

But what is a Bernedoodle?

The Bernedoodle variety is a mix of a Poodle with a Bernese Mountain Dog. This fun and friendly friend is one of the newest Doodle varieties that has taken the US by storm, especially during the recent demand resulting from pandemic sheltering.

Understanding the Bernedoodle coat

The same genetic combination that makes this breed so adorable also makes grooming the Bernedoodle correctly a challenge to the untrained eye. Taking the time to understand and work based on the coat and skin composition is critical to achieving the best grooming results.

The Bernedoodle comes in 3 easy-to-distinguish coat varieties: curly, wavy, and straight.

The curly-coated Bernedoodle is easy to distinguish, with a heavy curled coat all over their body. On the other side, a combination of straight hair on the muzzle plus wavy mane on the rest of the body is what characterizes the wavy coated (the most famous variety of the three)

The straight Bernedoodle will have straight (pointed) hairs all over their body, which may turn wavy between brushing sessions.

Even though Bernedoodles are low shedders, they still require daily brushing and care to prevent close-skin matting. It is especially true on the curly-coated variety.

The Bernedoodle Grooming Session

To accomplish the best results, it is always important to adjust the grooming approach to the coat variety of the Bernedoodle. It includes selecting the right shampoo formula and deciding the correct conditioning method based on the coat.

Most of the time, the most unsatisfactory results occur when the groomer fails to pick the appropriate conditioner, producing either a dull coat, a greasy look, or worst of all, the dilution of the curls.

Drying is another critical step that can make or break the magical appearance of a properly groomed Bernedoodle. The hair variety dictates the amount and length of brushing required during drying. Unfortunately, because of the extra time needed to dry a Bernedoodle coat properly, the correct outcome is never achieved as inexperienced or over-worked groomers and bathers rush through this important step.

Finally, the Bernedoodle coat will not require any special finishing touches when the precise combination of prep-work before bathing, selecting cleaning formulas, drying techniques, and brushing and combing styles are employed. That is besides a glowing set of bows or a ravishing bandana!

Looking for a certified Bernedoodle groomer in Nashville?
Our team of certified groomers is here to help!